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facebook requiem - Socialize the Social Network! | ZDF Magazin Royale

Enteignet Facebook ❤️👊😉


Expropriez Facebook 🤳

🇳🇱 Facebook onteigenen! 🇳🇱

💪🏽 Desprivatizar Facebook!!!

🇬🇷 Απαλλοτρίωσε το facebook 🇬🇷

Экспроприируй Фэйсбук! 🪆


Wywłaszczaj Facebooka!!! Wywłaszczaj Meta!!! 

🇯🇵 フェイスブックを規制しろ! 🇯🇵


Com-mi-nu-i-te Face-book! 

Per-di-te Whats-app! 

Pub-li-ca-te In-sta-gram! 

Mo-de-ra-te Me-ta! 

comminuite! perdite! publicate! moderate! Facebook! 

tollite! tollite! tollite!

Smash and break up fucking Facebook!

For the sake of humankind!

Regulate and then put Meta

Into public ownership!

Expropriate and split up Facebook!

Put it under state control! 

Socialize the Social Network!

For the sake of all!

Smash and break up fucking Facebook!

For the sake of humankind!

Regulate and then put Meta

Into public ownership!

Expropriate and split up Facebook!

Put it under state control! 

Socialize the Social Network!

For the sake of all!

Smash and break up fucking Facebook!

For the sake of humankind!

Regulate and then put Meta

Into public ownership!

Expropriate and split up Facebook!

Put it under state control! 

Socialize the Social Network!

For the sake of all!


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